Bhang Ki Chutney Recipe: The Secret Ingredient of Pahari Cuisine

In the beautiful Himalayan region of Uttarakhand, there’s a special dish called Bhang Ki Chutney. It’s known for its amazing taste and deep connection to the local culture. This chutney isn’t just any ordinary sauce – it’s a tradition passed down through generations. Let’s discover the secrets behind this delicious chutney, including where it comes from, what goes into it, and how to make it just right.

Bhang Ki Chutney Recipe, Bhang Ki Chutney, Uttarakhand food,

The Origin of Bhang Ki Chutney

Bhang Ki Chutney is really important to the Pahari folks in Uttarakhand. They’ve been making it for a long time, probably starting in the hills of the state. Over there, they have lots of fresh herbs and spices to use, which is why this chutney is so special. The word “Bhang” means hemp seeds, and they’re a big part of this chutney, giving it a unique nutty taste and feel.

Where to Taste Bhang Ki Chutney in Uttarakhand

For travelers seeking an authentic taste of Uttarakhand’s culinary heritage, exploring the local eateries and dhabas (roadside restaurants) is highly recommended. Places like Almora, Nainital, and Ranikhet have these spots where you can taste authentic Pahari dishes, like Bhang Ki Chutney. Also, if you stay in homestays or heritage hotels, they often serve homemade chutneys as part of the regional food experience.

Ingredients of Bhang Ki Chutney

The traditional recipe for Bhang Ki Chutney involves a harmonious blend of locally sourced ingredients, each contributing to its distinctive taste. While variations may exist, a typical Bhang Ki Chutney recipe includes:

  1. Hemp Seeds (Bhang): The star ingredient, hemp seeds add a nutty flavor and a creamy texture to the chutney.
  2. Coriander Leaves: Fresh coriander leaves provide a burst of freshness and herbaceous aroma.
  3. Green Chilies: To impart a spicy kick, green chilies are added according to taste preference.
  4. Garlic: Garlic cloves add depth and pungency to the chutney.
  5. Lemon Juice: A splash of tangy lemon juice enhances the overall flavor profile.
  6. Salt: To balance the flavors and enhance the taste.

These simple yet potent ingredients come together to create a chutney that is not only delicious but also packed with nutritional benefits.

Bhang Ki Chutney Recipe, Bhang Ki Chutney, Uttarakhand food,

How to Make Bhang Ki Chutney

Now, let’s uncover the secret behind preparing this quintessential Pahari delicacy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making authentic Bhang Ki Chutney:

  1. Preparation: Gather all the ingredients – hemp seeds, coriander leaves, green chilies, garlic cloves, lemon juice, and salt.
  2. Blending: In a blender or mortar and pestle, combine the hemp seeds, coriander leaves, green chilies, and garlic cloves. Grind them together until you achieve a coarse paste.
  3. Seasoning: Add lemon juice and salt to the ground mixture according to your taste preferences. Blend again until everything is well incorporated.
  4. Adjust Consistency: If the chutney is too thick, you can add a splash of water to achieve the desired consistency.
  5. Serve: Transfer the chutney to a serving bowl and garnish with fresh coriander leaves. Bhang Ki Chutney is now ready to be enjoyed with your favorite snacks or as a side dish.

Pairing Bhang Ki Chutney with Other Dishes

Bhang Ki Chutney, with its bold flavors and versatile nature, complements a wide range of dishes, elevating them to new culinary heights. Here are some delightful ways to enjoy this delectable chutney with other dishes:

1. Pakoras and Fritters:

The crispy texture of pakoras and fritters pairs beautifully with the creamy consistency of Bhang Ki Chutney. Whether it’s potato, onion, spinach, or paneer pakoras, each bite dipped in the chutney creates a symphony of flavors that tantalizes the taste buds.

2. Parathas and Rotis:

Spread a generous dollop of Bhang Ki Chutney on warm, freshly cooked parathas or rotis for a delightful twist. The nutty undertones of the chutney complement the earthiness of the bread, creating a harmonious balance of flavors with every bite.

3. Rice and Lentils:

Mixing Bhang Ki Chutney with steamed rice or dal (lentils) adds a burst of flavor to these simple yet comforting dishes. The chutney’s zesty notes cut through the richness of the lentils, creating a satisfying and wholesome meal.

4. Grilled Meats and Vegetables:

Use Bhang Ki Chutney as a marinade or dipping sauce for grilled meats and vegetables. Whether it’s succulent chicken tikka, paneer tikka, or grilled vegetables, the chutney adds depth and character to the smoky flavors, making each bite utterly irresistible.

5. Sandwiches and Wraps:

Spread Bhang Ki Chutney generously on sandwiches or wraps to infuse them with a burst of flavor. Whether you’re making a veggie sandwich or a paneer tikka wrap, the chutney adds a unique twist that takes these humble snacks to the next level.

6. Chaat and Street Food:

Drizzle Bhang Ki Chutney over your favorite chaat or street food delicacies for an extra kick of flavor. Whether it’s bhel puri, sev puri, or papdi chaat, the chutney adds a refreshing and spicy dimension that enhances the overall eating experience.

7. Cheese Platters:

Surprise your guests by serving Bhang Ki Chutney alongside a selection of cheeses. The creamy texture and nutty flavor of the chutney complement the richness of the cheese, creating a delightful contrast of tastes and textures.

Bhang Ki Chutney Recipe, Bhang Ki Chutney, Uttarakhand food,


Bhang Ki Chutney stands as a testament to the rich culinary diversity of Uttarakhand. Its unique blend of flavors and cultural significance make it a must-try for anyone exploring the gastronomic delights of the region. So, next time you find yourself in the hills of Uttarakhand, don’t forget to savor the magic of Bhang Ki Chutney, a culinary gem hidden in the folds of the Himalayas. Bhang Ki Chutney Recipes are not just recipes; they are a reflection of the cultural heritage and culinary excellence of Uttarakhand.


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Join Harsh, a seasoned traveler and avid foodie, as he explores the diverse landscapes and flavors of Uttarakhand, India. From the majestic mountains to the bustling streets, Harsh shares his adventures and culinary discoveries, inviting you to experience the beauty and richness of Uttarakhand through his eyes.

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